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Tributes to EDWARD GOREY (1925 - 2000) ![]() Image by Michael Romanos [www.MichaelRomanos.com] |
I first discovered Gorey's works fifteen years ago while working in a bookshop in Washington, DC. I was the shipping/receiving clerk. Upon opening a newly arrived box of books, I found a copy of Edward Gorey's Amphigorey. Well, it was 'love' at first sight. I've been collecting reprints of his books ever since. My three favorites are: The Doubtful Guest, The Beastly Baby and The Willowdale Handcar. Sincerely, Aaron .... The news of Mr. Gorey's demise was unexpected and disenheartening when I finally learned of it on Tuesday, April 18. Saddening? Very, but at age 75, Mr. Gorey had had time to leave behind an impressive body of work. Work sought after by fans of his uniquely macabri illustrative style. I am one of those fans. I first discovered the work of Mr. Gorey when i was 7 years old; he illustrated the covers and frontispieces of a seires of books by John Bellairs (an author who i enjoyed reading at the time). However, it didn't actually occur to me to seek out the work of Mr. Gorey until I was a bit older, when i saw a copy of "the Ghastlycrumb Tinies" at a local bookstore. The art was instantly recognizable: dark, moody, and drawn with a line quality that cannot be ignored. Hatched and cross-hatched in such a way as to seem like a simple sketch, until you take a closer look and realise that each and every little line was deliberately placed....It's intricate, to say the least. As an aspiring artist, I can appreciate the distinctive motif and line characteristics that was Mr. Gorey's hallmark. His way of representing the world, the antique, combined with a wonderfully morbid sense of humour is what places him among my favourite illustrators; kind of a secret, dark, indulgence. Mr. Gorey will be missed by myself, and you as well, i'll wager (you're reading this aren't you?), but his presence will still be around...Now, every time I go to pull a page off of my day by day calendar, I'll look at the illustration, and think of the man who once penned the strangely gothic image before me. Goodbye Mr. Gorey. ~allison s .... I will always remember my first and only sighting of the wiley Mr. Gorey during an east coast road trip in 1997. I had pulled my van over to look at some books in a used bookstore that occupied the first floor of an old house in a small town on Cape Cod. During a casual scan of boxes on a table, I found one full of Edward Gorey prints. I was surprised and pleased, but didn't have the money to spare. I commented on the prints to the cashier (who actually owned the store) and mentioned how much I like Gorey's work. "Oh, really?" he said. "Did you see him?" "See who?" I asked. "Edward Gorey. He just left. Didn't you see him walking past you?" "You're joking right?" He reached into his register and pulled out a credit card receipt. Yep, it was the old boy's signature. I was floored. He had been in the same room with me and I hadn't even realized it; but this wasn't surprising considering the fact that I had never seen a picture of him. "Damn. Wish I had known it. Oh well, a near b! rush with genius. Do you know if 'Jack's Outback' is a good place to eat?" I had read about it in a Lonely Planet guidebook. "Actually, that's where Ed goes for lunch every day. In fact, that was where he was headed for right now." I immediately asked for Gorey's physical description and the owner directed me to a book that had a picture of the elusive Gorey. Off I went, trying to follow his trail. After braving the Outback's anti-tourist sign, I went inside, ordered at the counter, and spied an empty table. At first I didn't see him, but I did see his table. Or at least it had to be his, since it was the only one overflowing with books. I casually walked by, cocking my head at an acute angle in an attempt to read the French titles (high school French doesn't last forever), then sat at a corner table a discreet distance from his table. Trying not to look obvious, I scanned the room and !ah ha! there he was: freely rooting around in the restaurant's refrigerator. He looked jus! t like what I had imagined. He had the same aristocratic, yet bored bearing of one of the characters in his cartoons (the human toons, of course). I ate my sandwich and occasionally glanced at him as he read Chekhov and ate some fruit. Then I left. I didn't ask for his autograph..just seeing him had been enough. Then, this past Monday morning, a coworker in my office offhandedly mentioned that Edward Gorey had died over the weekend. Surprising myself, and my coworker, I started to cry. Why couldn't you have held on longer Gorey? I guess it was your time...just know that I will always remember you and how your drawings (the PBS Mystery intro, illustrations in Bellairs' books, etc.) enhanced my imagination during my childhood and adult years. Au revoir, Monsieur Gorey. Andrea D O .... Well..iam just a 14 yr. old kid, And so...I know my saying doesn't mean much but well, I was just recently introduced to Edward Gorey and his works through the Nine Inch Nails video "the Perfect drug" and well, I liked what he did. I thought it was very good stuff, and very intertaining. Its really sad, to have him go, when me, and many other I know (I introduced him to them) were just getting to know his works. Tomorrow, for my English class, we are to do a report on poet, artists, stuff like that, and I was planing on doin one on him, and now I will even make it even more better, by making it a little..tribute report. --AnoynNaga .... His vision bound together his tone and his line; one was always sure one was dealing with the real thing. And beyond this unity, there was an authenticity in his vision. It rang true. He left a fine body of work. "Gorey" is one of the ties with several dear friends of mine. God speed. Yours, Arthur S .... already depressed I enjoy a vision of ghouls in high tops It does seem so appropriate Edward Gorey has to live in this place I took opiates but cartoons by Edward Gorey still connected an image focused I'm still here --B JONES A .... A part of my whole life has gone....where? --BkrHnt .... Sorry to read of his passing - although until today, I had never heard of his name or knew what he did. Here's to the past 75 years of his life on this planet. Sincerely - Cameron C .... Edward Gorey was a favorite of mine. Never met him, never was that lucky, but I once flew to Manhattan to see the Dracula production, just because he designed the sets and costumes. It was marvelous. Had a dog named Treehorn. I will miss him. Cheefwil .... Goodbye Edward, You will continue to live on as the innumerable number of fans, old and new, continue to enjoy your wit and art. As for the prospect of no future Gorey adventures, I think the world will be in a state of ennui without your curious contributions. With reverence, awe, and sadness, I shall miss the world in which you lived. Chris B .... The world is a lesser place today without Edward Gore. Regards Cynthia .... R.I.P. 1925-2000 What, indeed, caused to expire the master of the doleful and the dire? Was he trampled by mad giraffes, or consumed by fits of laughs? Maybe he was slice head-to-toe by a lengthy saber, or bored out of existence by an incessant neighbor. Quite possibly he was over-intoxicated by sweet mountain laurels, or swam too close to deadly poisonous fire corals. Might he have incurred a brick to the cerebellum, or drowned in a snifter of absinthe sipped in Deep Ellum? Perhaps he was spanked once too oft by a randy harlot, or taken with an intense fever of scarlet. Did he meet the end in painful crucifiction, or was the end simply brought about by personal dereliction? Or was it, in fact, the rug, the thug, the lake, or the lye taken by mistake? No, it was none of these that forever put his life at ease. Instead the story of one Edward Gorey (or Ogdred Weary as he was known to the truly leery) ends quite bland, I doth attest, extinguished, as he was, by a truly tasteless cardiac arrest! -- Cory A. W .... G is for Gorey who we will miss very much -- Cruella889 .... I became a fan of Mr. gorey as a child watching Mystery on PBS. As I grew older and being in the performing arts I became aquatinted with Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats of which I found a copy illustrated by Mr. Gorey. Since then I have tried to find pieces of his in art stores and was suppressed to find that many art dealers were unaware of Mr. Gorey. Mayhaps with his untimely passing his works will gain wider acceptance within the art world. We can only hope. Thinking of Mr. Gorey. R is for Richard who died in an orchard. -- Curtis G .... i live in providence, rhode island. it is always a pleasure to find out about performances and exhibits of edward gorey's work. over the past couple of years there have been several plays written by gorey that have been presented close-by enough for my wife and i to attend...i remember one, called "english soup," put on in a "theatre"/garage on cape cod...it was more of a garage. it was great. we drove excitedly out there after finding out about this thing at the very last minute. it didn't take long...the play was about to begin and this man walks in and stood off to the side of us. he was edward gorey. the play was dark and very funny, which means everyone laughs at different times...he laughed when no one else laughed and made it all the more obvious that his work goes even deeper than any of even his biggest admirers can see. in this age of change in the world we must thank him for keeping the old ways alive. his work is like finding an old typewriter in an antique store and realizing that you have to have it because you remember that there was typing before computers and you always got ink on your fingers trying to fix the ribbon when it got jammed up...thank you edward gorey. i will think of you often. -c.daltry .... One of my most treasured possessions is "The Epeleptic Bicycle", among so many others collected over time. He will always live on for me in those wonderful books and illustrations. Mystery...........indeed. -- Daniel F .... As in "The Remembered Visit", I waited too late to write you. I still have your envelope ready and on a windy day I'm going to let it get to you through an open window, just like in the story. Thank you for enriching my rainy-day reading... Lionel H. .... Farewell to a master of wordplay and design. You will be missed. -- Diane .... Edward Gorey died one day. And many folks came here to say. I looked for his works, and among all the pages, that everyone put up. I saw not one. Not one of his works.. Another Edward .... I'm an illustrator now: there's one specific reason, and now he's gone. I had hoped to possibly meet him in person one day, and instead will just have to comfort myself in his work. As a child, I watched MYSTERY! with my mother, and was always entranced with his illustrations. I vowed at the age of five or so to become proficient enough in art to draw in the same eerie, macabre way as my idol, Edward Gorey. Truth be told, no-one could ever draw or think like him, but I can at least draw now, thanks to the impetus which he afforded me. There will never be another Gorey, and I consider myself fortunate to have him and his body of work as a pinnacle to which I might aspire. Thank you, Edward. May your slumber be peaceful. -Elizabeth Witt T .... In 1993 I had the rare and privledged opportunity to direct the world premiere of Gorey's "Helpless Doorknobs." Though at the time I was only really a happenstance Gorey fan, this short play caught my attention. In so many ways it was as close to a visual image of Gorey's drawings on paper as one might get in real life. I tried to get permission to produce the play through the publisher, but to no avail, they'd gone out of business. On a whim I thought I'd call Edward Gorey up myself. I'd been doing a bit of research on his life and knew he was living in Yarmouthport, so I dialed information- half expecting the number to be unlisted. To my delight it wasn't and I was on my way. I left a brief message of my intention and hoped he'd call back. As blessedly dramatic as it sounds, on a dark and blizzardy mid-winter night I got a call back. Though I wasn't at home, my roommate tried to get in touch with me over the internet with an instant message (which back then was no where near what it is today...). I trudged home through knee deep snow to call Gorey back. I spoke with him in person and we chatted about my plans to produce the show. He was absolutely thrilled that someone was planning to produce it, no one had to date (which is why I think it was the "world premiere"). He gave me his permission and off I went. Not long after the production I sent him photographs and a program in hopes he would autograph it. About three weeks later I received in the mail the autographed program and a short note: "Thanks ever so for the program and photographs; it looks wonderful. I enclose a recent twiddly bit." The twiddly bit is a book by Garrod Weedy, publish by the Fantod Press. It is titled "The Pointless Book: Or, Nature & Art. In two volumes bound together." I could go on and on from here about all the other honors that Edward Gorey takes in our home. The short and sweet bit is that my husband and I prefer at times to be Embley and Yewbert. Thanks for the time, and I'll close with my favorite quote from Gorey: "When in doubt, twirl." Elee W Elee W and Erik P Embley and Yewbert, respectively .... |
Thoughtful Alphabet No. 3 -A Gorey Tribute" By Amy B Awdrey-Gore/Beastly Baby Creator, Deceased. -Eulogy For Gorey, Hapless Impresario. Jocular, Kooky Limericks...Mysteries... NINETY Ogdred Penned: Queer Rhymes; Sordid Tragedies. Untimely Valediction, Wryde! eXtemporaneously Yours, Zenobia .... I heard the news today at work where there has become a small loyal following of Mr. Gorey's work so we all had a sort of moment of silence for his passing. Edward Gorey has a weird impact on my life. Most of the new people that I have met have all either liked Edward Gorey or after being introduced to him through me instantly fall in love him which is how I was introduced to him. There is a clear visible chain of Edward Gorey fans and I am saddened that we will not be able to enjoy more work from him but I can say that all of us will treasure what there is. Sincerely, gary s, jr .... I first discovered Edward Gorey when I was about 12 years old. His stories captivated me, and, as a budding artist, his illustrations were inspirational. I think I began watching "Mystery" because of the opening credits. Twenty-two years later and I still love to read my Gorey books. There's always something new to see in his illustrations. I'm sorry he's gone, but thankful for all he left us. V.R.B. .... My heart is broken. I will miss him. -- Glen E .... R.I.P., Edward St. John Gorey --Hans M. .... Words can't even describe the loss I feel at the passing of Edward Gorey. 20+ years ago I discovered his art when I found his illustrations in "The House With A Clock In Its Walls" by John Bellairs, and his macabre humor has been attractive to me ever since. In recent years I began to collect his work, and am disappointed to see that there will be no more new work. A tragic loss indeed! Jay Hartman .... goodbye and thank you to a man who made us shiver, laugh, and think at the same time - from your set and costumes for Dracula, to the Gashlycrumb Tinies. Cemeteries will never look the same to me. -- Jeanne S .... Im very sorry to hear about Goreys passing I did not know that. He was a very fine artist, a truely unique talent, his art will be around for a loooong time! best regrds, jk .... He was such a singular artist and persona, as I know you'll agree. Anyhow, I am saddened to share this news, but it is good to know there are others out there who appreciate the rich works he left behind. Warmly, Mika A .... Ed Gorey was fun to know. He kindly allowed me to produce a video "A Tribute to Edward Gorey" to be shown on C3TV. I found him to be generous with his time, volunteering his help, consenting to be interviewed and always interested in new ideas. He was guite dramatic in appearance at times. In particular I remember his arriving in an old bright yellow long slicker one morning, black sweater with tons of cat hairs, heavy gold rings and jeans. He wasn't above visiting for tea. K for kindly and H for humorous. What a guy! -- jmkenney .... I was very saddened to come home to the news that Edward had passed away Saturday night. I consider myself so very lucky to have had the privilege to have known this wonderful man personally. I use to go to his home and do odd jobs here and there to show my appreciation for his kindness to me, my family and friends over the years. A kinder, gentler more considerate man could not be found. I know it was with reluctance that he admitted people to get close to him because of his shy nature, but when you were let into that special circle, you were subject to intelligence, humor, consideration and honesty that was unrivaled......and will never be. The world has truly lost a talented genius, but more so we have lost a very special, loving and beautiful person. "As much as I was a pin in your backside at times, I will miss you very much Edward". With the utmost admiration and respect, J. Summers, Jr. .... Gorey's work was instantly recognizable, but infinitely indescribable. We need more like him. My life was certainly made better due to his work. -Erik K .... I'm sure those angels in Heaven need a bit of dark humor to break up their monotony, and they will surely have it now that he has joined them. My only regret (other than that I will miss him, of course) is that he did not succumb to a more "poetic" death -- more akin to the way he doffed his characters! G is for Gorey, gobbled by Goths... Katherine I .... I was very saddened to hear that Edward Gorey had died. I have been a fan for close to 15 years... amazed at his stories, originality and most of all his art. It is with deep sadness that I say goodbye. Sincerely, Robin, Connecticut .... I am an illustrator and still have the Amphigorey that my dad gave me! He thought I might like the drawing style and I did, but more, I loved his bizarre and funky sense of life. My life has gone on a frightenly cheerful path, compared to his inspirational drawings, but I have kept up the habit of drawing someone or something in a large fur coat on a regular basis. Peace, Li .... ....sigh.... Marianne B .... How can one express the loss of an arm or leg? M.Edward .... Truly given a gift of the unfortunate nature. To be able to peak into the darkness. With so much lightness. Thank you. -Mark G. E. Director of the Award Winning Gorey inspired film "The Unfortunate Gift" .... I've been an Edward Gorey fan for as long as i can remember. When i was 5 or 6, my mom got me The Dwindling Party for christmas, and it had quite an impact on me. It's morbid humor fascinated me, and since then, i've always been drawn to humor with a dark-tint to it. I treasured the book as a kid, and thankfully i still have it to this day. When i was closer to 10 or 11, i found the Amphigorey books in my local bookstore, and immediately remembered the pop-up-book from my youth. I saved until i could afford all three, and ever since then, i've been slowly getting my hands on everything of his that i can. Edward Gorey was an amazing author and artist who had a profound impact on me....he will be missed.... Mason .... I am not one to post notes on the internet, regarding anything at all. But I would like to take a moment to thank Edward Gorey. He was and forever will be my favorite artist. I have enjoyed his work ever since I first discovered it on the cover of my Anthony Monday mysteries. Gorey was an artist of unconceivable measure because he took tragedy, terror and darkness, things which are held in common by us all and turned them into humor and whim. So for that I thank him, I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Gorey about 9 years ago in a little book store in Chatham and he was gentle and nice to a little girl who just liked to look at his pictures. No one has ever understood my love for Gorey but I know whom ever reads this shares this very special affection for his work. Thank you ~Melody Z .... One reason I got interested in photography was as a way to (hopefully) meet some of the writers, artists and musicians whose work I enjoyed, and I have. About 20 years ago I was just beginning to earn a living at it and get my work published. I had been an admirer of Edward Gorey's and knew that he lived on Cape Cod part of the time. Since I lived and worked in Boston it was a simple matter to locate a telephone directory for that part of the state and a quick search turned up his name and number. I had expected a long process of checking for Ogdred Weary and every other possible anagram but it was unnecessary. I called and asked if he would consider letting me photograph him sometime. He gave me directions and invited me down. A week or so later I drove to his home where he, and his cats, welcomed me. He made tea for us and toast, we talked about drawing and photography, we climbed into his VW bug and he drove to the house he had just purchased and we made some photos. He gave me encouragement. I visited one more time after that just to talk. I am saddened by the news of his death but so very happy to have the memories of those visits with such a talented and generous man. Michael Romanos www.MichaelRomanos.com .... I remember discovering Edward Gorey's work at the Gotham Book Mart many years ago. The macabre and charming illustrations were unlike any others that I had seen and I was instantly captivated by their subversive 'moral instruction'. New Yorkers are not an intrusive people, and most would not notice the bearded figure in the raccoon coat and white tennis shoes I occasionally spotted walking in midtown . I did not know until some time later that this was, in fact, Mr. Gorey. Mr. Gorey and his books both lurked on the borderline between 'real life' and fantasy. He brought a welcome touch of the macabre to daily life and made it funny. And it is hard to think of an illustrator with a more appropriate name. R.I.P.(?) --Nancy B .... It was twenty years ago that I stumbled onto Edward Gorey's work in a bookstore in New Hampshire. My older sister was with me, (I was fifteen at the time), and was impressed enough by my enthusiasm with the copy of "Amphigorey" I was looking to lend me the money to buy it, and my world was never the same. I taught myself how to draw by carefully emulating his crosshatched designs, and owe to him just about my entire artistic career. It was thrilling to find someone else in the world with the same macabre sense of humor which I had always had to hide from most of the yokels in the small town in which I grew up. That first thrill of recognition has never quite left me. Here's to Edward Gorey! Let us raise a glass of artificial grape soda! -- pudels .... I was so sad to hear of the passing of Edward Gorey. I was amazed this year to have finally found a daily calendar of his work, and now he's gone. He supplied us with wonderous vision and astounding imagination. I know that personally I learned many new words because of his work...and new views as well. He was a poet and artist and he will be sorely missed. The light in the darkness has dimmed... Nicole .... By far, Gorey was one of the best illustrators of modern times. I have admired him since I was a child. God speed, Mr. Gorey. -- Rr6ccoon .... Edward Gorey exists for me in my childhood. The book, "The Dwindling Party" was one of my favorites. The Alphabet poster (although, at that age I didn't quite know what ennui was) as well as the beginning sequence to Mystery were instantly recognizable to me. It's like his work was in a corner I seldom looked in to and now he's gone. It makes me a little sad. sarah .... Edward Gorey was a true genius who invented his own world, not just in his drawings but also with his career. A personal inspiration. Scotty J. .... I always wondered this, and now I just have to ask. Is the word "gorey" derived from Edward Gorey's name? Or was it all just a coincidence? Also, I'd like to express my deepest sympathies to his fans. The Haunted Tea Cosy is a favorite of mine to place out on my coffee tabel during Christmas parties. He was a remarkable artist. Thanks, Serena .... My baby brother and his wife introduced me to the art of E. Gorey & I have been in love with his work ever since. It is timeless and my hope is that even more will be introduced to his works through is death. Karen in SC .... big fan, I hate days like this i have grown up gaining a lot from your work thank you so much -- Smilin' Jack R .... You were gory, gruesome and a wonderful artist. There was no justice in your world. The good were mauled. I remember seeing you in yourHUGE fur coat at the Opera. May you RIP. --Sonia Pilcer .... I will always remember this day, and remember your works. The work you've done is a part of me forever ... -Sophia. K .... Sadly Goodbye to my favorite artist, who shared the same dark view(through a rain-drenched window)of life. -- Service Request Center .... |
Dear Mr. Gorey, I know you are gone, and this saddens me. From the first time I came across your work and found out I'm not alone in this world. I've been amused and completely fell in love with all of the characters. When I met the first guy I thought I loved I gave him a copy of one of you're books as a present, he rejected me but you never had. I've never felt left out in your world and as a matter of fact always felt very welcome. I've learned so much from you yet I've never met you. I'm very sad that I'll never get to read a new Gorey creation. I will however save all the books I've bought over the years and save them for my children to let them know creativity is not dead in this world but just harder to find. So I end this with a good-bye and a thanks. You've inspired me more than I'll ever be able to let you know. Thank you for being you. Forever, Stacy M[], who got crushed by her horse... .... His artwork and his whimsical yet morbid sense of humor will definitely not be forgotten. I regret that I, as a Fine Arts Major, had never had the opportunity to meet this man. Perhaps many more will follow in his whimsy and bring new images of skulls intermixed with everyday items and lizards on furniture about for all to see. Here's to you, Edward Gorey, you will not be forgotten. Erika J. S .... I began reading one of the Amphigorey books when I was in 3rd or 4th grade, my aunt had left it lying around my grandparents while I was visiting there one summer, and I was hooked, I proceeded to con her into letting me read them all and since I have read everything Gorey, I could get my hands on, I found a "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" poster one day while shopping and much to my husband's chagrin, it now takes a place of honor on the wall above the head of our bed :) I will think great thoughts of the man each time I re-read his works.... Tara B .... When I heard that Edward Gorey died, I could do nothing but sit in my chair, feeling numb and empty. It didn’t seem possible. I went outside and sat on the front stoop, and tried to cry. I wanted to, but the tears wouldn’t come. Now, with the benefit of hindsight, I realize that Edward would have thought the idea of a complete stranger crying over his death as ludicrous. That makes me feel a bit better. I’ve never met anyone that loved his work as I did. I don’t think I ever met anyone (besides over the Internet) that even knew who Edward Gorey was. My co-workers would walk by my desk and give curious looks to the pictures on my wall. Embley and Yewbert whacking each other with croquet mallets, Jasper standing in the rain to by 3rd gallery ticket, and the immortal Doubtful Guest, scarf flying mightily in the wind. I’ve tried to share his work with other people, but I’ve never met anyone that saw the work for what it is: sheer and utter beauty. I showed The Inanimate Tragedy to a friend. Her only reply was "weird." I gave up on trying to turn other people on to Gorey. I guess only a small number of people can really respect and understand Gorey’s work. The Object-Lesson is a classic, changing the "rules" of the narrative. The Epiplectic Bicycle is a wonderful journey into the surreal. My favorite book, however, has to be The Blue Aspic. It’s such a beautifully sad story. On the surface, it seems like a rather bland tale of two disparate people. But much deeper, one finds a story of passion and obsession. The wonderful juxtaposition of the lives of Jasper and Caviglia becomes almost haunting. Thus was the beauty of Edward Gorey: strange creatures speaking a series of nonsensical words; the eerie Black Doll showing up in the oddest of places; tall men with top hats, great coats, and long beards, contemplating the ill fortunes of children; a horrid bloated baby; a great alligator rising from an even greater puddle; the nimble Figbash; stories that seem to go nowhere, but actually delve deep into the mind’s subconscious; and of course, without fail, the seemingly clandestine and mysteriously blank (?) card left almost haphazardly on the ground... Edward Gorey has left this mortal coil. I bet he would think that all the fuss we make over him was rather funny, and maybe it is, and that’s okay. It’s a cliché I know, but his work has made him immortal. I think a small part of me died, but that’s okay too. Life’s like that sometimes. So, to Edward Gorey, we say good-bye. I can think of two epitaphs that I think he would have enjoyed. The first are the final words of The Unstrung Harp, "Although he is a person to whom things do not happen, perhaps they may when he is on the other side." The other, and perhaps more fitting, comes from the last page of The Object Lesson. A threesome of two women and a man stand silently against the horizon of the setting sun -- the man, assuredly a not-so-vague self-portrait: Tall, bearded, and sporting a full length fur. A single word is neatly laid at the bottom, in the most characteristic and unique lettering style we shall ever know. Farewell. -- Tim M .... We Love you Mr. Gorey, You did not want to live forever..... He never was careless or harried his art He spoke to a vary dark place in my heart A petulant tear is sliding over our age The macabre Mr. Gorey has gone into his grave He will not be lonely in that cold and dark place I know he'll be meeting his crunk face to face A more appropriate funeral one cannot imagine Than Mr. Gorey's last journey to pen and ink heaven Kristen, with apologies 4/17/2000 .... sad sad so sad very overcome sad because it sad reminds every sad last one of us that sad no matter how beautiful no sad matter how blessed by the exciting sad moments of the sad world we fall down quirky sad and eccentric, it's better sad to have lived every last moment and sad embraced th'ebeauty that we sad have to offer and there won't be someone sad great like Edward Gorey. -- Wiccasmile .... The most inspiring aspect of Edward Gorey was that he stuck to his own story and his own way, as idiosyncratic and morbid as it at times was. Its tempting to let the world assess and dispatch an artist in whatever way it wants, but Edward was undeterred. He was a champion individual. -S. Taylor .... Passing is an appropriate way to describe our loss of Mr. Gorey. He has brought us many hours of wonder, with his intriguing observations and entertaining moments of schadenfruede, providing us with a strangely comforting melacholy to nourish our ever-wandering souls. Now, we trust, that his spirit dwells among the immortals. We shall miss you! Yet your illustrations and tales of joyous grief and playful woe will no doubt, sustain us - until we meet again - in less hapless times. May the etherial stygian wings, of almost unimaginable creatures, which you so lovingly created over time, carry you to to a final home in eternity. Rev. J. Schad, s.j. .... I was very much saddened at news of his death. He was a unique talent and I will miss his vision. Maurine .... He was a wonderful man, thoughtful,generous and shy. I worked for him for 11 years and he never had an unkind word to say to me. He was always interested in what was going on in my life and we would talk about tv movies etc.I am going to miss him terrible and I still wait to hear him say" Hello there" when he came through the door. As I read the books he gave me I can hear his voice in my head and feel that he is still here. My only regret is that I didn't get a chance to say good-bye. I saw him the week before he died and he looked so fragile I think I knew then that he wasn't going to get better but still had hope. He is really, really missed. -- Sally W .... I was truly saddened to hear of Edward's passing. He was one of my heroes in life. I always looked forward to the day when I could finally meet him. Over the years I've gotten two tattoos (his cat and The Doubtful Guest), made new friends that shared my love of his work and collected all the books and prints I could afford. His view of the darker side of life and wonderful illustrations just struck a chord and reminded me not to take the everyday stresses so seriously. -Corey S Woodstock, NY .... Though I thought that it would be a long way off, it happened. Mr. Edward St. John Gorey, who has given the world perhaps some of the most unusual and thought provoking stories recorded, has died of a supposed heart attack. When I received the news of his death, I slowly sat down and attempted to sort out what I had been told. Was it true? Was my favorite living author now among the deceased? " He couldn't have died," I said " I never got a chance to meet him". I had a sadness welling inside of me that was reminisant of the sadness felt when a grandfather dies. I remained in this stupor untill I began flipping through Amphigorey Also. When I finished it, I came to the realization that Gorey is not truely dead. For one to be truely dead, all memory of them would have vanished. But as any true Gorey fan knows, Gorey has given us over 90 stories and about 60 illustrations to enjoy for eons. How can we forget the Gashlycrumb Tinies or the Willowdale Handcar? Is it possible to allow The Doubtful Guest to collect dust? The answer is no, my friends, we cannot forget Mr. Gorey. So I tell anyone reading this letter, if you grow sad about Gorey's passing, Read The Utter Zoo Alphabet, or the Bug Book. That is where Gorey is now living, in between the pages of The Epileptic Bicycle and The Untitled book, The Sopping Thursday and L' Heure Bleue. He might be like the Zote, but Ogdred Weary is still very much alive in our hearts and minds. Fare thee well, Mr. Gorey, Evan S ![]() |